The front entrance of the Clarion Hotel was due for an upgrade and that is exactly what Jacobson Commercial did. The roof lines were raised to allow more height and space for unloading of guests, the lighting upgraded to LED and the overall appearance of the Hotel greatly improved. The project consisted of several structural [...]
PROJECT Commercial Office Space SIZE 3,000 Sq. ft. COMPLETION January 2018 Jacobson Commercial’s scope of work included interior demolition, design and reconstruction of the interior and exterior. Exterior building finishes included stucco, metal cladding, painting brick, architectural metal panels and signage. The interior of the building underwent a complete cosmetic facelift consisting of flooring, paint, [...]
Nunc ac imperdiet ex. Phasellus varius placerat dapibus. Suspendisse luctus sapien ut
magna porttitor pulvinar. Praesent ut magna erat. Curabitur a consectetur tortor. Donec ac
massa dolor. Mauris mollis, orci ac sollicitudin lobortis, justo dui volutpat mauris, nec
sagittis libero diam non neque. Mauris erat purus, cursus non mollis id, semper et odio.
Quisque consectetur vitae lorem nec semper. Ut aliquam, nisi et imperdiet rhoncus, libero
sapien congue est, ut imperdiet metus nulla ac erat. Duis in nulla gravida, finibus orci at,
lacinia est. In porta, neque at cursus convallis, ligula leo pellentesque ante, sed dictum
lacus nisl non enim. Sed varius tincidunt est. Nunc tellus nunc, volutpat ac diam non, commodo
pellentesque sem. Curabitur nibh odio, aliquam non dolor quis, fermentum molestie enim.